Leagues (2023)
Wednesday Night Mens League: Starts in May
Thursday League: Starts in May
Enjoy the friendly competition and camaraderie by playing in one of our fun golf leagues!
We are excited to announce a new, more flexible Thursday and Floating League options with LIVE scoring and a bigger payouts!
Option 1: 12-Week Floating League
Begins week of May 1st.
Play 12 rounds between May 1 and August 17.
Format is 2-Person Team Best Ball (play your own ball and the lower of the 2 is your Team score).
Play ANYTIME (any day of the week, any time … just book a tee time and play).
LIVE scoring so you can view your rounds and league leaderboard (powered by GolfGenius).
Cost is $120 per TEAM ($60 per player) for up to $4,000 prize purse (based on 55 teams … purse grows with every team).
Payouts for 1st, 2nd, 5th, 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th place finishing teams (paid as course credits which can be applied to pro shop or green fees + cart fees).
Floating league managed & league prizes enhanced by TwinCitiesGolf.com.
Questions? Email Alex Malmgren, League Manager, at info@twincitiesgolf.com
CLICK HERE to register a team for the 12-Week Floating League.
Option 2: Thursday League (choose 18 or 9 holes, Men or Ladies)
Begins May 4th and continues through August 17th (no league week of Memorial Day and 4th of July holiday weeks).
Format is 2-Person Team Best Ball (play your own ball and the lower of the 2 is your Team score).
Play ANYTIME on Thursdays (just book the tee time that works best for you).
LIVE scoring so you can view your rounds and league leaderboard (powered by GolfGenius).
Cost is $120 per TEAM ($60 per player) for up to $4,000 prize purse (based on 55 teams … purse grows with every team).
Payouts for 1st, 2nd, 5th, 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th place finishing teams (paid as course credits which can be applied to pro shop or green fees + cart fees)
Questions? Email Alex Malmgren, League Manager, at info@twincitiesgolf.com
CLICK HERE to register a team for the Thursday League
Option 3: Wednesday Night League
League Manager is Al Uecker.
CLICK HERE to contact us and let us know if interested!
Also, we are open to adding new leagues if you have a group that is looking for a home course.