Leagues (2023)

Wednesday Night Mens League: Starts in May
Thursday League: Starts in May

Enjoy the friendly competition and camaraderie by playing in one of our fun golf leagues!

We are excited to announce a new, more flexible Thursday and Floating League options with LIVE scoring and a bigger payouts!

Option 1: 12-Week Floating League

  • Begins week of May 1st.

  • Play 12 rounds between May 1 and August 17.

  • Format is 2-Person Team Best Ball (play your own ball and the lower of the 2 is your Team score).

  • Play ANYTIME (any day of the week, any time … just book a tee time and play).

  • LIVE scoring so you can view your rounds and league leaderboard (powered by GolfGenius).

  • Cost is $120 per TEAM ($60 per player) for up to $4,000 prize purse (based on 55 teams … purse grows with every team).

  • Payouts for 1st, 2nd, 5th, 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th place finishing teams (paid as course credits which can be applied to pro shop or green fees + cart fees).

  • Floating league managed & league prizes enhanced by TwinCitiesGolf.com.

  • Questions? Email Alex Malmgren, League Manager, at info@twincitiesgolf.com

  • CLICK HERE to register a team for the 12-Week Floating League.

Option 2: Thursday League (choose 18 or 9 holes, Men or Ladies)

  • Begins May 4th and continues through August 17th (no league week of Memorial Day and 4th of July holiday weeks).

  • Format is 2-Person Team Best Ball (play your own ball and the lower of the 2 is your Team score).

  • Play ANYTIME on Thursdays (just book the tee time that works best for you).

  • LIVE scoring so you can view your rounds and league leaderboard (powered by GolfGenius).

  • Cost is $120 per TEAM ($60 per player) for up to $4,000 prize purse (based on 55 teams … purse grows with every team).

  • Payouts for 1st, 2nd, 5th, 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th place finishing teams (paid as course credits which can be applied to pro shop or green fees + cart fees)

  • Questions? Email Alex Malmgren, League Manager, at info@twincitiesgolf.com

  • CLICK HERE to register a team for the Thursday League

Option 3: Wednesday Night League

  • League Manager is Al Uecker.

  • CLICK HERE to contact us and let us know if interested!

Also, we are open to adding new leagues if you have a group that is looking for a home course.